
Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Lst files

Breakdown of the lst files.

Item lst

These are only used in the poser.
Items are located in cc##_00_03_##.pp.

def_item_0#_01.lst defines items that will be used.
bone_item_##_##_##.lst defines the bones that a particular item will load.

Map lst

These are located in cc##_00_02_##.pp
The naming convention for map names is:

0 for dancer maps
1 for poser maps

Consequently, these two lst files in 02_00.pp define the maps used

def_map_00_00.lst - defines maps for the dancer
def_map_00_01.lst - defines maps for the poser

More arguments are required for the dancer, including xa, xl, glare, and srs files as well as a few extra frames in the xx.

xa defines animations in the background (like spinning lights)
xl defines light settings for the map
glare unknown
srs unknown

P_Mae is the projection screen in the stage map. It MAY be possible to customize your map and take advantage of this.

Character lst

By default, the two PP's you have to work with are cc##_00_00_00 and cc##_00_01_00. Each contains data for a separate character. As a result, you know that everything for a single model is contained in one location.

def_a_acc_00_##.lst - defines accessories
def_a_body_00_##.lst - defines body type
def_a_head_00_##.lst - defines head type
def_a_tex_00_##.lst - not sure which textures these reference.
bone_body_##_##_##.lst - bones used for the body
bone_head_##_##_##.lst - bones used for the head

Other lst

In cc##_03_00_00.pp, there are a few more lst files.
Not sure what they are for, but they may be important.

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